I Caught a Predator Stalking my Daughter with TurboSpy

I’ve never thought that I’d be using something like TurboSpy to save the life of my daughter. I have done my best to raise my girl as best as I can. Being a single mother with one child is tough so I had to make use of technology to help take care of her. I’ve resorted to using hidden cams to monitor the babysitter, video conferences with my daughter, internet abled alarms, and finally a spy app.

My girl was taught never to trust strangers. Even with a gated suburban community, the occasional creep or pervert can walk the streets. They seem to look like normal people, and they do normal things. The problem started when I gave my daughter a smartphone for her 15th birthday. Just as most teenagers do, my daughter took to using social media as fish took to water.
She didn’t really change that much. However, she was glued to her phone most of the day. I didn’t think much of it as her grades were kept up and that she still went home exactly on the curfew we discussed. She would stay in her room for hours and only come out for dinner. Maybe that should have been the clue.

It wasn’t until I noticed her getting irritable that I decided to do something. I couldn’t see anything on the cams so she’s not getting abused by her babysitter. I see no one entering our home while I’m away. The only thing I could think of was the smartphone I gave her.

So, I decided to search for an app to help me spy on my daughter’s phone. I tried several apps but none of them were strong enough to get the pictures and videos or even spy on text messages. That’s when I found the perfect spy app, TurboSpy.

I was able to install the app easily and, in a few movements, I was discreetly spying on my daughter. I felt bad but I was doing this for her sake. I was surprised at how powerful the spy app was. It allowed me to search for everything on her phone. There wasn’t much there. Some several hundred selfies, a dozen or so snap chat videos and the occasional saved pictures of her favorite pop stars.
However, TurboSpy helped me uncover deleted messages. Apparently, someone was texting my daughter suggestively. The messages were quite graphic and alarming. Spying on my daughter’s phone showed me that she tried blocking the messages. However, the pervert kept changing numbers and even used burner phones to message her.

That night, I had a heart to heart talk with my daughter and got her to admit she needed my help to get rid of the stalker. Without TurboSpy, I wouldn’t have found the creep bother my daughter. With all the evidence recovered from the phone (thanks to TurboSpy!), we took it to the police and a few months later, they caught her teacher who turned out to be the pervert.

Tags: TurboSpy


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